Tuesday, July 13, 2010

E-Mealz Day 1

I <3 EmealzI went to the store yesterday with my E-Mealz grocery list and additional items that I needed. I loved having everything prepared for me! Unfortunately, I didn't save much on this trip because I was out of a lot of staple items since we've been gone (like milk, eggs, cheese, etc). But I also didn't over-spend or over-buy. I am definitely guilty of over-buying fresh food and then it goes bad because we don't eat it -- mostly because I don't have a plan to eat it.

The one thing about E-Mealz is that it only lays out one meal a day and only 5 meals per week for a family of 2 plan. This means, I need to think about lunch items and weekends when shopping for food. However, last night's meal was really good and we had enough leftovers for lunch today. I'm thinking about changing my plan to the "Family plan" and then freezing or using leftovers for lunch. The Family Plan includes 7 meals per week but averages between $70-80. But before I switch, I'm going to give the Family of 2 plan a little more time.

The dishes that I've seen so far are foods that we will actually eat. I really appreciate that and its a major reason why I decided to purchase a subscription. I also decided to switch around the meals based on what night we'll have more time and I wanted to start with a meal that I thought Matt would like (he's kind of picky). Last night's meal was a success -- Portabella Pot Roast. Yummy! I would have never thought of this recipe on my own and it was so easy!

If you don't have a lot of time and aren't creative in the kitchen like me or just want to start saving money and time, I would definitely suggest looking into E-Mealz!

PS...I recently discovered a coupon code "Dave" which takes $2.50 off your first 3-month subscription. I discovered E-Mealz through Dave Ramsey. Which if you haven't taken a Financial Peace class, I would strongly suggest it! :)

1 comment:

  1. Just came over to visit from my sister Heidi's blog...I just started emealz last week! So far, I am really liking it! Also found it through Dave Ramsey...hubby and I have been debt free using Dave's steps for about 2 years now! =)


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