Monday, September 22, 2008

Life Changes

I haven't blogged about this just because I wasn't sure what to say or how to approach it...and I really wasn't sure what was going to happen.  At the beginning of September my boss gave our office 30 days notice that we would be closing down.  With the way the mortgage industry is right now and the economy in general, our company just isn't bringing in the same kind of business.

All this to say, I am losing a job that I have really enjoyed and loved.  I struggled with God's timing and have dealt with anxiety over the unknown.  But Matt has been telling me over and over again that everything will be fine.

At this same time, one of the staff members at our church has felt the need to take a sabbatical and have a time of rejuvenation.  My pastor approached me and asked me if I would be interested in serving as the Small Groups director while she is gone.  Feeling at complete peace, I agreed to it.

So...lots of changes happening and I would definitely covet your prayers as Matt and I journey into a new season of working under the same roof but especially for me as I am doing something new.  I know that its going to be challenging but also a blessing as well.  I have a feeling that I will grow a lot through this experience, but also have the opportunity to bring a fresh perspective.  


  1. Wow!!! That's cool that you'll have something to look forward to doing even though you're having to let go of your old job. Can't wait to see you guys again!

  2. Sucka... oh, I mean glad to have aboard! :-)


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