Are you worried about the instability of the mortgage and real estate markets? Would you like to take control of your mortgage and debt? If so, register today for the MortgageMpowered™ seminar on Saturday, August 23 from 8:30am to 12:30pm at The Chapel’s Grayslake campus.
This high energy, half-day seminar is designed for anyone who has or is looking for a mortgage. It will feature Dale Vermillion, a 25-year mortgage industry veteran. Dale is a regular speaker on Moody Radio and he’s publishing a book with Moody Press called “Navigating The Mortgage Maze” that is scheduled for release January 2009.
Attendees will walk away with practical and biblical information that will help them manage their mortgage, debt and equity.
Registration fees are $39 for individuals and $49 for couples. For more details and registration information visit: or call 847.548.5737.
I have tagged you for a meme. (It's a chain thing). You need to post 6 things we might not know about you on your own blog. There are rules on my blog about it. Missed seeing you this weekend but I hope you are doing well :-)