Monday, May 7, 2007

Finding Joy Again!

Matt and I got home late Saturday night from our trip down to Atlanta, with a few stops there and back. We went to Passion's Leadership Conference, Thirsty, and it was awesome for both of us! I really needed an infusion of some sort. Basically, I've been doing doing doing and going going going for God without stopping to have an intimate relationship with him.

Friday night, they celebrated communion. I've never had an hour long communion time, but it was incredible! They were talking about how communion is just a meal time with Christ and he asks us to come, eat and receive (obviously I'm trying to sum up in three words what they talked about for an hour). Yes, the sermon was great, but the quiet was incredible!

I just closed my eyes and pictured myself laying my head on God's lap. He ran his fingers through my hair and said, "Talk to me. Tell me what's going on. Why are you struggling to find joy?" With tears running down my face, I found true intimacy with my creator! He truly cares for my deepest fears and hurts and my huge dreams. In fact, I realized he's the one who gave me those dreams. He is the Dream and Desire Giver! Who else could understand my heart's desires any better than the one who placed them there? I walked away with a heavy burden lifted!

There was awesome worship by some popular Worship Leaders and the workshops gave awesome ideas and tips for ministry. But walking away with newfound joy was incredible!


  1. Sounds like you had a large glass of refreshment this weekend!


  2. Wow, it sounds like you had an incredible time.It is so great to just take some time to be still and reconnect with God!

  3. i know how that goes. being away from y.g. & s.g. has really been getting me annoyed with things so i've been talking to god alot more lately. AND I FINALLY GOT A NEW BIBLE!


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