Sunday, July 4, 2010

Parenting Advice Gone Wrong

I found this post on Whittaker Woman and was really amazed and challenged. I'm so grateful for the incredible support system I have in my family and that we all have just by living in a nation that has resources for parents! Could you imagine even thinking about wrapping your sick child in ashes? Read this...

Parenting Advice Gone Wrong

Carlos' mom tells a story of a time when they were visiting family in Mexico when he got sick. The family member who house they were at came in and rubbed a egg on his head and put it under his bed. He had to sleep with it under there and it would cure him. She is full of stories of myths and parenting advice that are just absolutely absurd. I've often thought that these were stories of the past. No one could possibly believe something like that in this day in age, however today I learned otherwise.

We visited a project that has a Child Survival Program. A CSP is a part of Compassion that teaches soon to be mothers and mothers of children 0-3 years old the tricks of the trade. They take them under their wing and teach them basic things that we take for granted. Things like nutrition, or something as simple as playing and stimulating your baby.

Visiting these sweet babies and moms made my heart beat. I even still had the touch to put them to sleep!


I was about to sneak a few in my suitcase. That seems to be an issue of mine. We often assume that when we have a child it is just maternal for us to know what to do. Today I realized that is not always the case.

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This mother shared a story about her infant son who was fussy and never stopped crying. She finally got to the point where she took him to a clinic. She was instructed to go home and cover her son in ashes. She did what she was told and wrapped him up in ashes. What she did not realize was the fact that she was burning her son. She chuckled at the story as she told us that he survived and is 13, but has scars across his stomach. It's an awful story, but on the flip side so encouraging to know that Compassion has a program that will teach mothers such as this the simple truths of their babies. Child Survival Programhelps developing world mothers and babies in their most vulnerable times, offering practical care and extending God’s love. By joining with Compassion, you’re giving them the best chance at life. Read below to learn how you can help moms and babies break the cycle of poverty.

This program is different than sponsorships, yet there is a way you can help. All it takes if $20 a month and you will be supporting a specific CSP. They will send you updates from the mothers there, from the survival specialist and even the pastor of the church where the CSP is held. Just another way to help with this unbelievable organization called Compassion. H

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